The Law Firm Lanari Advocacia Societária has arisen from the experience acquired over years by its members in their legal practice and from the clear awareness that Corporate Law, not infrequently an underestimated specialty, is crucial for the development and growth of any corporate line of business.
Departing from this principle, the office has been founded with a view to serve all its clients in a distinctive manner, which involves undertaking a diligent and efficient approach to assess the most peculiar legal aspects affecting the corporate purpose of each client.
In addition to the Corporate Law specialty, the firm provides regular and strategic corporate consulting, acting fast and preventively to make room for its clients to develop their business to the fullest possible extent. Through carefully selected and trusted partners, we follow each stage of the work in different areas, which enables us to solve any issues as soon as they are encountered.
We believe in the importance of handling corporate law with excellence throughout the process, as well as of knowing the intrinsic aspects of Corporate Law, so that we are prepared to ensure that our clients will operate safely and toward satisfactory results.